KND Code Module
Category Vehicle
Appearances Operation: E.N.D.
Operation: I.T.
2x4 Technology Handbook

Decommissioned Operative Hunter Drives On Hydrolics

The D.O.H.D.O.H. is a vehicle used by Numbuh 86 and her Decommissioning Squad to capture operatives scheduled for decommissioning or tries to escape. It consists of a backwards buggy car attached to a jet engine, a long hose for a neck, and a head made from a rowboat with laser guns attached to it. The machine vaguely resembles a dodo, hence its name.


The D.O.H.D.O.H. was specially requested by Numbuh 86, who wouldn't let any boys work on it, so it was built by Numbuhs 128, 256, and 512.

It was first seen in Operation: E.N.D. when Numbuh 86 and her team attacked Numbuh 1 and his dad when he was falsely labeled as having turned thirteen, due to Numbuh 274 hacking into their computer system.

It was later seen in Operation: I.T., where Numbuh 86 tried to arrest Father after he was accidentally made Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door Organization. Father then created a rule that the Supreme Leader cannot be decommissioned. Numbuh 86 continued to threaten Father until Numbuh 362 stepped in, saying the rule must be followed as the Supreme Leader is allowed to change the rules.

