KND Code Module

(Numbuh 5 wipes frost from the glass of her bedroom window, then smiles at the sight of snow. Numbuh 3 looks out her bedroom window and hugs a Rainbow Monkey dressed in winter clothing. Numbuh 4 is listening to an announcement on the radio in his bedroom. Numbuh 2 and his little brother Tommy look out the window, then put on their snow clothes and dash outside.)

RADIO ANNOUNCER: It's official, kids! It's a snow day! Schools included are Myers Elementary, Kendall Prep and... Gallagher Elementary! So rock out, kids, have fun out there, and throw a snowball for me!

(Meanwhile, Numbuh 1 is looking out his bedroom window miserably with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He sneezes.)

NUMBUH 1: Ugh. It's not fair! Why do I have to be sick on the one snow day of the year?
MR. UNO: (off-screen) Nigel, old bean, you're not out of bed, are you? The newspaper advises lying down and staring at the ceiling all day when you're sick.

(Numbuh 1 quickly returns to his bed, just as his father looks in on him.)

MR. UNO: (encouragingly) That's the spirit, old boy! Let those other kids play in the snow all day. You've got a ceiling to watch!

(Mr. Uno leaves. Numbuh 1 sneezes, then groans and shivers. Outside, Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 are greeting all their friends.)

NUMBUH 2: (to an off-screen kid) That snowman up to 2x4 specs?

(Numbuhs 2 and 4 pass Numbuh 440 making a snowangel. This is one of the crew members of the series making a cameo appearance.)

NUMBUH 440: Hey, Numbuh 2! How's it going?
NUMBUH 2: Hey, Alison. Good to see you.
NUMBUH 4: (to a boy throwing snowballs) Here's good packing snow for those snowballs, mate. (commenting to Numbuh 2) Yes, sir, this is looking like one fine snow day.

(Joaquin the hamster rushes up to them and squeaks. Around his neck is a tiny barrel, which opens up to reveal a piece of paper inside. Numbuh 2 picks it up.)

NUMBUH 2: Hey, Joaquin. (he reads the note) Numbuhs 3 and 5 report all clear on Oak Street, and sledding conditions are excellent!
NUMBUH 4: Cool! (to Joaquin) Tell them we'll all hook up later.

(Joaquin salutes and dashes off. Lizzie comes walking up.)

LIZZIE: Hey, guys!
NUMBUH 2 & NUMBUH 4: (unenthusiastic monotone) Hey, Lizzie.
LIZZIE: My poor sweetheart Nigie is sick in bed, and I wanted him to get better fast so he can enjoy this perfect snow day with me, so I whipped up an extra special batch of my delicious homemade chicken banana fritter soup. I even put in extra curly fries!

(Lizzie takes a thermos from her purse and opens its lid. A foul odor begins to emanate from it. Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 are disgusted and start to gag, but Lizzie doesn't notice.)

LIZZIE: (closing the thermos lid) You have to age the gristle just right.
NUMBUH 4: For crying out loud, lady, I thought you wanted to make him feel better, not kill him!
LIZZIE: Hmph! Shows what you know! At least my Nigie has a sense of taste! (she walks away)
NUMBUH 2: (quietly to Numbuh 4) Heh, he won't after having a spoonful of that!
LIZZIE: (suddenly reappearing) What did you say?!
NUMBUH 2: Uh, say "Hi" to Numbuh 1 for me.
LIZZIE: (smiling with satisfaction) I thought so.

(Cut to a view of the kids playing in the snow from far above them. It becomes apparent that they are being watched through the window of a large and menacing-looking aircraft by a shadowy figure who turns out to be the fourth grade class president, James "Jimmy" Nixon McGarfield. Instead of the white pinstripe suit he wore in previous episodes, he is now dressed in a black suit and fedora. His assistant, Anna Worthington, can be seen approaching him as he speaks.)

JIMMY: (scornfully) Look at 'em. Playin'. Today of all days! They know I called a school assembly today! They know that today I crown my queen! (to a nearby hall monitor) Release the bus walkers!
HALL MONITOR: (nervously) Y-y-yes, J-Jimmy.
JIMMY: Jimmy?! I am the Fourth Grade President For Life! You shall address me as... Master President!

(Jimmy shakes his fist at the hall monitor, who begins to writhe as though being choked by the Force.)

JIMMY: What on earth are you doing?
HALL MONITOR: Sorry. I had a couple of tacos for dinner last night.
JIMMY: Just send the walkers, already!

(The hall monitor dashes away.)

JIMMY: (clears throat) Anna, my dear, are you certain that Nigel Uno is... uh... indisposed?
ANNA: Yes, Master President! It's easy to arrange when your uncle is The Common Cold.
JIMMY: (stroking Anna's chin, to her delight) Anna Worthington, how could I survive without you? (suddenly shouting) Now call the Honor Roll!

(Two circular shapes covered in books roll toward them, and upon stopping each opens up to reveal a nerdy-looking boy strapped inside. They both bow.)

HONOR ROLL: (together) My liege.
JIMMY: Anna has laid the groundwork by infectucating Nigel Uno. Now finish the job and acquire my target.
HONOR ROLL: (together) My liege. (they bow again, the books close on them, and they roll away)
JIMMY: Come, Anna. Join me as we witness history. (he and Anna walk to the window) This day will literally be our crowning achievement. (laughs maniacally)

(Outside, the kids playing in the snow are startled by a sudden, jarring crash, then another and another.)

KID: Look!

(Approaching are three school bus-shaped vehicles on gigantic mechanical legs which very much resemble AT-ATs. The kids are frozen in fear. Suddenly, long cables tipped with metal claws shoot out of the bus walkers and start grabbing kids and dropping them inside. At this, the kids start screaming and running away.)

NUMBUH 5: Oh, man. President Jimmy's gone too far this time. (she leaps onto a snowman) Stop!

(All the fleeing kids skid to a stop and turn to look at her.)

NUMBUH 5: How often does a snow day come along? Once a year, if we're lucky. We have been working hard all year at school. We deserve this day off. Am I right?

(The kids mumble in agreement.)

KID: You can't argue with that kind of logic.
NUMBUH 5: I came out here to play in the snow today, and I'm gonna play, even if I have to play rough. So, are you with me?
KIDS: Yeah!
NUMBUH 5: Ok then. Numbuh 4, snowball defenses. Numbuh 3, streamline attackification. Numbuh 2, ready the sled wings. (she kicks the head off of the snowman she was standing on, revealing a weapon underneath) Everybody, battle stations!
NUMBUH 4: Snowball fury!

(Numbuh 4 and several other kids begin firing snowballs at one of the bus walkers, but it starts grabbing some of them. On top of a hill nearby, Numbuh 2 and another boy are sitting on a sled.)

NUMBUH 2: All right, Numbuh 4. We'll take it from here. Sled wingers, away!

(The sled and with several others like it take off down the hill. Wings extend from the sides of the sleds and they take to the air.)

NUMBUH 2: All right, rebels, we do this one by the book. Watch me for the changes and just try to keep up. (to the boy) You with me, McGillicutty?
MCGILLICUTTY: Let's take 'em down!
NUMBUH 2: Roger that.

(The sled wingers fly around the bus walkers, firing snowballs. The bus walkers begin firing textbooks at the sled wingers.)

NUMBUH 2: Watch out for those textbooks and follow me! Their defenses are too strong! We'll have to tr— (one of the textbooks hits him in the face) Whoaaaa! World history! (suddenly one of the cables grabs McGillicutty) McGillicutty! (another cable grabs Numbuh 2) Aaaah!
NUMBUH 5: (on a phone) Numbuh 2, do you copy?! (she sees his sled wing fall to the ground) Numbuh 2! (despairingly) Ohh. (sighs) Numbuh 3, it's your show now. We'll cover you. All right, gang, fire away! (she and some other kids whack hockey pucks at the bus walkers)

(Numbuh 3 and some other girls are sitting on swings nearby.)

NUMBUH 3: Ok, girls! Let's go!

(Giggling, the girls swing themselves into the air, and rainbow ribbon streams behind them. They criss-cross the legs of a bus walker, tying them together with the ribbons, then drop into the snow and watch to see what happens. The bus walker struggles, and Numbuh 3 smiles and gives a thumbs up to the other girls. But then the bus walker breaks free and continues on its way. The girls moan in disappointment and then are grabbed by cables.)

NUMBUH 5: Numbuh 4, do you copy? What's your situation?
NUMBUH 4: (climbing up a hill) Must... ugh... hold out. Don't stop fighting 'til the fight is done! (he is grabbed by one of the bus walkers) Whoa!
NUMBUH 5: Numbuh 4! (she looks up to find that a foot of a bus walker is ready to come crashing down on her)

(Meanwhile, Lizzie is in Numbuh 1's room, trying to convince him to eat her soup. She pours some into the thermos lid and holds it out to him.)

LIZZIE: Come on, Nigie. My soup will make you feel better! I even put in extra scoops of cottage cheese for roughage.
NUMBUH 1: (sneezes) You know, I'd really rather not...
LIZZIE: (shouting) Try it!

(Numbuh 1 reaches for the thermos lid hesitantly. Slowly, he takes a sip, then retches.)

NUMBUH 1: (hearing the commotion outside) What's that?
LIZZIE: That's the mud I put in for extra minerals.
NUMBUH 1: Not that! (he points out the window) That!
LIZZIE: (nonchalant) Oh, that's just dumb Jimmy trying to force everyone to go to some stupid assembly today.
NUMBUH 1: (concerned) I've got to help the others!
LIZZIE: Feeling better already, huh? I told you my soup worked wonders.
NUMBUH 1: (he sneezes and a glob of green snot runs down the window glass, to both his and Lizzie's disgust) Ugh... (decisively) I'm going.
LIZZIE: (calling after him) Nigie!
NUMBUH 1: Yes?
LIZZIE: (solemnly, holding up the thermos while strange light shines through the window) Use the soup.
NUMBUH 1: What?!
LIZZIE: It's fortified! (she tosses the thermos to him)
NUMBUH 1: Ah, whatever. (he dashes off)

(Numbuh 1 puts on his coat and snow boots and runs to the living room. Climbing onto the fireplace mantle, he yanks a candle, causing a picture hanging on the wall above to slide up and reveal a small vertical compartment with a seat. Numbuh 1 jumps in and a glass enclosure slides over the area. The fireplace detaches from the wall and flies up and outside like a plane.)

COMPUTER: Kids Next Door F.L.I.E.R.P.L.A.C.E.—Flaming Log Ignited Explosive Rocket Plane Lifts And Careens Effortlessly.
LIZZIE: (calling out the bedroom window) Good luck, Nigie! (two dark shapes roll behind her, and she turns around with a puzzled expression on her face) Huh?

(Jimmy and Anna see Numbuh 1 as he flies past the ship.)

JIMMY: What's this?! (to Anna, angrily) You told me Nigel Uno was sick!
ANNA: He is! He's got a terrible cold, I swear! (she shields herself with her clipboard, but Jimmy turns away from her)
JIMMY: Well, he's about to get much colder. (shouting to his troops, making Anna wince) Blast him out of the sky!

(Numbuh 1 flies toward the bus walkers, and they begin to fire textbooks at him. He eats a banana, then shoots the peel at one of the bus walkers. It hits the windshield, and the kids inside duck instinctively. Upon realizing that it was just a banana peel, they laugh. But when it slides to the ground, the bus walker trips on it and topples over.)

NUMBUH 1: Heh heh heh heh heh.

(The remaining bus walkers begin firing at him.)

NUMBUH 1: I'm hit! Shields at max power! (sneezes)
COMPUTER: Defenses dropping.
NUMBUH 1: Achoo!
COMPUTER: Stabilizers offline.
NUMBUH 1: Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

(The F.L.I.E.R.P.L.A.C.E. goes crashing to the ground. From the ship, Jimmy and Anna have seen everything that happened.)

JIMMY: No one can stop my glorious romantical plan now! (he takes Anna's chin in his hand and turns her face toward his fondly; she grins)

(One of the Honor Roll suddenly appears in a hologram nearby. Jimmy approaches it.)

JIMMY: Report.
HONOR ROLL: The target has been acquired.
JIMMY: Excellent. Bring her to my ship.

(The hologram disappears.)

ANNA: Huh? I thought Nigel Uno was the target.

(As she begins to realize the truth, a heartbroken expression appears on Anna's face. Jimmy doesn't notice.)

JIMMY: Oh, no, my dear. Nigel Uno was the only thing stopping me from acquiring my dream. My target is and always has been my true beloved... Lizzie Devine!

transmission interrupted

connection re-established

(Amongst the wreckage of the F.L.I.E.R.P.L.A.C.E., Numbuh 1 is lying in the snow. He sneezes and groans.)

LIZZIE: (off-screen) Nigie... Nigie...
NUMBUH 1: L-Lizzie?

(Numbuh 1 sees a transparent image of Lizzie approaching him. Her voice echoes.)

LIZZIE: Use the soup, Nigie.
NUMBUH 1: I can't. Your cooking is so disgusting!
LIZZIE: Use the soup... the soup... (she disappears)
NUMBUH 1: Lizzie!

(From the same place where Lizzie had stood, Joaquin the hamster comes running up to Numbuh 1.)

(Meanwhile, Jimmy's spaceship is slowly making its way to the school.)

ANNA: (approaching Jimmy) Master President?
JIMMY: Yes, Anna?
ANNA: The Honor Roll have arrived with your prize.
JIMMY: (laughing maniacally) Ye-he-he-he-es! Oh, uh, ahem. See to our prisoners, Anna. I want no surprises today, especially from those meddlesome Kids Next Door. Now, if you'll excuse me, I wish to be alone.
ANNA: (sadly) Yes, Master President.

(Anna leaves and the Honor Roll enters holding Lizzie between them.)

LIZZIE: (struggling) Let me go! (the Honor Roll release her and exit) What's going on here, Jimmy?
JIMMY: (sitting down on a nearby loveseat) Please, don't call me Jimmy. I am the Fourth Grade President For Life, after all.
LIZZIE: So what would you like me to call you, besides a bully?
JIMMY: Oh, we'll get to that in a moment. (motioning to a space beside him) Have a seat. (Lizzie sits down) So, tell me, Lizzie, have you ever thought of becoming a queen when you grow up?
LIZZIE: (suddenly pacified) Sure! That or a real estate appraiser.

(Jimmy looks at her in bewilderment.)

JIMMY: (continuing) What would you say if I could make your dream come true today?
LIZZIE: (excitedly overwhelmed) Oh, I don't know! (Jimmy grins, pleased with her reaction, and sidles closer to her) Housing construction is weak this quarter, and the entire region is in a buying slump, and what with all the... (she keeps on talking indistinctly in the background)
JIMMY: (losing his temper) No... no... NO! (Lizzie stops talking and stares at him in surprise; he clears his throat and is calm again) Your dream of becoming a queen.
LIZZIE: You could do that?
JIMMY: Yeah, I could, if, instead of calling me Jimmy, you call me your... boyfriend! (closing his eyes, he puckers up and leans toward her, making kissy noises)

(Lizzie is completely taken aback. She removes Jimmy's arm from around her shoulder and leaps up, walking away quickly. Jimmy is left to fall forward across the loveseat, his lips still puckered. He opens his eyes in surprise and sits up to stare after her.)

LIZZIE: Oh, that's really sweet of you to ask, Jimmy, but I'm kind of seeing someone right now—Nigel Uno. Perhaps you know him? But don't worry about it. I'm sure there's some girl in the fourth grade who would love to go out with you, despite your (makes quote signs with her fingers) fashion sense.
JIMMY: (exploding with rage) Enough! I did this for you! Turned evil for you! Ruled this school with an iron fist so you would like me! Well, forget you! I won't let your stupid feelings get in the way of my plans!
LIZZIE: You can't make me like you!
JIMMY: Oh, can't I? (he walks over to a sheet-covered object) Y'see, the queen's crown is really... (he removes the sheet) a boyfriend helmet!

(Lizzie gasps in horror.)

LIZZIE: (confused) You want a boyfriend?
JIMMY: No! I rewired it to work on you! (to the Honor Roll, who have just returned) Prepare her for the ceremony.

(The Honor Roll begin to drag Lizzie away.)

LIZZIE: Nigie will stop you, so... (blows raspberry)!
JIMMY: I don't think so! If he survived the crash, he'll never penetrate my deadly defense perimeter. So... (blows raspberry) you!
LIZZIE: (blows raspberry)
JIMMY: (blows raspberry)
LIZZIE: Blah blah!
JIMMY: Nyah!

(Jimmy's ship and the bus walkers have arrived at the Gallagher Elementary. The defense perimeter closes around the school. Numbuh 1 comes riding up on a sled pulled by a group of hamsters.)

NUMBUH 1: (in between sneezes) Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Almost there. Mush!

(The defense perimeter starts shooting at him, but he dodges the blasts.)

NUMBUH 1: I've gotta contact the others! (he whips out a communicator)

(The bus walkers lower to the ground to leave their unwilling occupants off. The kids, chained, are led through a hallway to the school auditorium.)

HALL MONITOR: Come on! We don't have all day!
NUMBUH 2: Any plans, Numbuh 5?
NUMBUH 5: We just need to figure out how to get these shackles off, and then—

(A soft instrumental of the Rainbow Monkey song begins to play. It's coming from a Rainbow Monkey communicator in Numbuh 5's pocket.)

NUMBUH 3: (delighted) Rainbow Monkey ringtones? That is so—
NUMBUH 4: Lame!
NUMBUH 5: Shut up, Numbuh 4. (surreptitiously) Numbuh 3, try to reach my communicator in my coat pocket.
NUMBUH 3: Ok! (with neither of her hands free, Numbuh 3 tries to kick the communicator out of Numbuh 5's pocket)
NUMBUH 5: Ow! Hey, take it easy, girl. Ow! Careful.
ANNA: Halt! What are you doing?
NUMBUH 3: Nothing. (the communicator starts ringing again and Numbuh 5 sighs) I didn't just hear a super cute Rainbow Monkey communicator ring. Did you? Nope? Huh, I thought so. (to Anna, smiling ingratiatingly) See? Nothing.
ANNA: Give me that! (she takes the communicator out of Numbuh 5's pocket) A communicator! Just what I wanted.

(The KND logo flashes in and out. Standing under a spotlight on the stage, Jimmy surveys the auditorium. All of the captured kids are sitting in the audience, looking miserable.)

JIMMY: Ah... it's all perfect! (to Anna, who is approaching from a stage right doorway) And where have you been?!
ANNA: Attending to some last minute details, Master President.
JIMMY: (flattering tone) Anna, how could I have achieved my greatness without you? (snapping) So what are you waiting for?! Let's get this show on the road!
ANNA: (irritated) Yes, Master President. (to the audience) Everybody, sit down! Boys and girls, I present to you your Fourth Grade President For Life! (she backs away until she is hidden from view behind the curtain)
JIMMY: (oblivious to or ignoring the booing) Now, now, no applause. This is a great day... for me. Months of planning have culminated in this afternoon's coronation of my queen, Lizzie Devine. (another spotlight reveals the bound and gagged Lizzie, who glares at him) You may have noticed that I have turned totally evil. That was part of the plan, as was the idea to—
NUMBUH 1: (off-screen) Aa-choooo!

(Jimmy looks up and scowls. Everyone in the auditorium turns to see Numbuh 1 standing in the back of the center aisle.)

NUMBUH 1: It's a snow day, Jimmy, and I'm gonna spend it... (he pauses to inhale loudly through his nose) with my girlfriend.
JIMMY: I don't know how you got into this school, but you're never gonna get out! Hall monitors, attack!
HALL MONITOR: Come quietly, Uno.
NUMBUH 5: Now!

(Suddenly, the rest of Sector V break free of their chains and begin fighting alongside Numbuh 1.)

JIMMY: But how?! (as Jimmy says this, Anna is seen backing into the shadows of the stage right doorway)
NUMBUH 5: Numbuh 1, ya might need this!

(Numbuh 5 tosses Numbuh 1 a ruler and he catches it, then heads up on stage to confront Jimmy.)

JIMMY: (dashing, panic-stricken, across the stage) Aaaaah! Oh-oh-ohhh! (he stops at a panel of switches on stage left and pulls one) Now for my crowning achievement!

(The "boyfriend" helmet/crown begins to lower down toward a terrified Lizzie. Numbuh 1 runs up to her and takes her gag off.)

NUMBUH 1: Lizzie, I'm getting you out of here!
JIMMY: Oh no you don't! (he grabs a rope hanging from the flies and tosses it around Numbuh 1's leg, then pulls another switch) Bottoms up, Mr. Uno.

(Numbuh 1 is suddenly jerked upwards to the flies by the rope.)

NUMBUH 1: Whoaaaaa!
LIZZIE: Nigie!

(Jimmy pulls yet another switch and is lifted up to the flies on a different rope, laughing.)

JIMMY: You're too late, Nigel. Lizzie is mine! (he takes a mop from a bucket)

(Just then, the crown reaches Lizzie and lights up, beginning to take effect.)

NUMBUH 1: Lizzie! (he uses the ruler to cut through the rope, then drops onto the catwalk that Jimmy is standing on) You're wrong, Jimmy. She'll never love you.
JIMMY: As long as she's permanently brainwashed, I don't care.
NUMBUH 1: So let's fight over her, then.

(They begin to fight each other using the ruler and mop as weapons. Below, the rest of Sector V is rushing to help Lizzie. She is shaking and mumbling as the helmet starts attaching itself to her head.)

NUMBUH 5: We're coming, Lizzie! (to the others) It's fusing to her head! Get it off!
NUMBUH 4: (trying to pull the crown off) It won't... come... off!
NUMBUH 5: Come on, girl! Fight it!

(Jimmy and Numbuh 1 are still fighting in the flies.)

JIMMY: Do you hear that? In a few seconds, Lizzie will be mine forever!
NUMBUH 1: No! She'll stay true!
LIZZIE: (loudly and strainingly, from below) I... love... Jimmy!

(The name 'Jimmy' echoes through the auditorium a few times. Numbuh 1 is crushed.)

NUMBUH 1: Jimmy?
JIMMY: (taking advantage of Numbuh 1's distraction by knocking the ruler out of his hand) That's right! (he kicks Numbuh 1) Now, if you'll excuse me, 'Nigie,' my queen is calling me, and I'd hate to keep a lady waiting. (he raises the mop to strike Numbuh 1)
NUMBUH 1: Aah!
LIZZIE: (voice inside Numbuh 1's head) Use the soup, Nigie.

(Numbuh 1 grins and then raises the thermos just as Jimmy lowers the mop. It strikes the thermos, which shatters, spilling the soup over the edge of the catwalk. Both Jimmy and Numbuh 1 peer down with worried looks on their faces. A single drop of soup splashes onto the crown. Now everyone is staring with fright. The boyfriend helmet goes completely haywire and there is a huge explosion. All the kids, dazed, drop onto the snow outside among debris from the school.)

KID #1: Where am I?
KID #2: What happened?

(Suddenly the kids shake off their confusion and start playing in the snow again as if nothing ever happened.)

KIDS: Hooray! Snow day!

(Lizzie and Numbuh 1, disheveled by the explosion, are sitting on a log together. She gives him a hankie to blow his nose. Jimmy, similarly disheveled, is being led away in handcuffs by Numbuhs 2 through 5 toward a Kids Next Door ship that will take him to the Arctic Prison.)

JIMMY: I don't get it. H-how did Numbuh 1 evade my defenses? How'd you guys escape from your shackles?
ANNA: (standing nearby, also in handcuffs) I helped them.
JIMMY: Anna? But why?
ANNA: The same reason I've worked tirelessly for you semester after semester. I... I... I love you, James Nixon McGarfield!
JIMMY: (pleasantly surprised) You did all that... for me?
ANNA: Yes! I would do anything to be near you. (she blushes) I'm sorry, but now that the truth is out, maybe you'll learn to like me while we're incarcerated together!
JIMMY: And maybe I will learn what it really means... to love.

(Jimmy and Anna look at each other adoringly against a red background with pink hearts.)

NUMBUH 4: (interrupting the moment) Ugh! Get these guys to the Arctic Prison before I get totally sick! (mockingly) Maybe I'll learn to love! Ooh, I love you! (he gags) Blah! You will never catch me acting like that. Not with anyone!

(Numbuh 3 is furious and annoyed at Numbuh 4. She shoves Numbuh 4 and stomps off with a screech. Numbuhs 5 and 2 look on in amusement.)

NUMBUH 5: Ooh, you're in trouble.
NUMBUH 4: (completely baffled) What? What'd I say? Seriously!
NUMBUH 5: If you don't know, that's what you get.


(During the credits, Lizzie is shown in the treehouse kitchen, pouring and mixing ingredients—including oatmeal, salt, hot peppers, orange juice and a steak—in a bowl. She is humming happily to herself. Numbuh 1 sits on a chair behind her wrapped in a blanket, and he doesn't look all that excited.)

LIZZIE: There. This soup will have you back to your old self in no time, Nigie. (she looks up to find that Numbuh 1 has suddenly disappeared) Nigie? (bellowing) Nigie!

(Lizzie shrugs and tastes her mixture. Her face turns red, her eyes water, steam comes out of her ears and fire shoots from her mouth.)

LIZZIE: Yummy!